27.O3.1O - just a thought... when you break a heart you don't break it partially there's no halfway in this... it's completely broken shattered destroyed obliterated. you don't want love. not this kind... stay far away from it. 26.O3.1O i yearn for freedom release emancipation from me the bars the walls i've placed around myself i am a prisoner to self doubt a slave to my insecurities and i am unsure of this concept of not knowing that the future holds not knowing what i'll live to regret not knowing if i'll breathe another day not knowing if i'll be okay what if i'm not enough? pretty enough good enough smart enough just not enough can i just get a glimpse of the me i'll grow to be can someone, anyone out there somewhere, anywhere hear me feel me? can you relate to me and my inferiority comple my fears of myself fear that i'll never measure up to the expectations the world seems to expect me to meet? or am i alone wrapped in an impenetrable solitude of my "unsurity" so many of who call it nonsensicality because they believe in me have so much faith in me why? why do you trust me with your hopes when i have so little faith in myself? i don't want to let you down i'm suffocating as my fears become an ocean and slowly drown me eliminating my ability to draw the vital oxygen that our body needs. we depend on it have faith that it'll be there with every new breath that we take but what happens if it fails us? we die... and that's how it feels sometimes people want, need, think so much of me... it's a burden it's like i'm doing what i have to in order to please everyone but myself. and when i start living for me it's rebellion still a slave to my insecurities still a prisoner of self doubt but add that i'm chained to my dreams of who i'd like to be... 25.O3.1O what happens when "i'll never forget" becomes forgotten and the calls become less frequent the "i love yous" almost nonexistent and when they do come, hold no meaning what happens when you tire of waiting for something that you know will never come? seemingly, so close and yet so far this distance is unsurpassable this crevice irreparable this disease incurable this can't be fixed what can hurt more than watching someone you love yearn want love someone else? what can hurt more than watching their agitation when they are rejected what can hurt more than knowing you will never cause them that type of pain that you'll never hurt them like you hurt now. and even worse... what can hurt more than feeling like you mean nothing to them? what can hurt more than knowing that they'll never love you like you do them. it hurts and i can't tell you what hurts more because i don't know i haven't felt worse than this i don't wanna feel like this i don't wanna be this attached to him but i am... i am... and it was never really supposed to be this hard i wish it would have never went this deep because this is no flesh wound this is no flesh wound this is no flesh wound i feel as if he has taken a knife and thrust it into my chest as far as it can go twisted it and pushed some more and then left me on the ground to just bleed out... and i am bleeding out my heart bleeds it's tears down my face painfully. love ain't supposed to be this way... it shouldn't hurt this bad nobody said it'd be easy but nobody said it'd be this hard excruciating debilitating painful. it was never supposed to be this hard. &nd i don't wanna talk about it i'd much rather just wallow just let me stay here and wade around in my stupidity i don't wanna talk about it i don't wanna think about it i don't wanna cry about it i just wanna sleep but if i sleep i know i'll dream about it i can't get away from it &nd it's torturous i've never felt this bad before. &nd i wish i could blame it on anything else but this. i hate this. i hate this. i hate it. so bad. it was never supposed to be this hard. how do you deal? i'll be okay in the morning after a night of mourning... hopefully. 12.O9 i am wrong embodied in its entirety me, Kiandra Kesi Sabree i am wrong embodied: i am the left when it's right; the down when it's up; the cold when it's hot. i am the embodiment of wrong everything i touch goes to pieces i am destruction an emotional wreck i wreak havoc wherever i go whatever i am for i am wrong it's embodiment in its entirety proceed with caution enter at own risk i aim to do no harm but harm is all that my success bleeds please stay far from me because i am wrong it's embodiment stay far from me 13.O3.1O same scenario. different bullshit. different day. ... your hurt should never overrule your happiness. ![]() wish that sense overruled emotion at all times, but in order for that to happen, so much of life would be missed...it's a lose-lose situation. tired of crying. but refusing to let go. same scenario. different bullshit. different day. how do you decide when enough is enough? how do you know when it's time to let go? how do you DO THIS?! how did i get myself INTO this? how do i know when i love you too much? "i gotta be out my mind..." "&nd it kills me; to know how much i really love you..." i said i was "ready for love" but am i really? gotta be careful what you ask for... &nd now, i'm having hell concentrating on what i need to do... how do i cope? how do i do this? &nd you say don't look at you as if i'm wondering how i got there...i can't help it because it's a question that i ask myself REPEATEDLY... why do i keep hanging on? WHY DO I KEEP HANGING ON?! ugghh...it's crazy-making... &nd even though i'm pushing it to the back of my mind, it's fucking with me subconsciously... i can't get away. i can't avoid the torture. the pain. it's like it's completely inevitable, no matter which route i take... how do you get to treat someone you can't imagine living without so BADLY, when she treats you nothing but GOOD?! what have i done to deserve this? what have i done to be punished so mercilessly? what wrong have i committed for this type of karma? what have i done? what do i do? is it that you'd like for me to cry you rivers? if you haven't realized...i've surpassed rivers - "i've wept oceans," like i've stated before. &nd trust me i know...nonchalance isn't so easily achieved when all you can do is fuckin cry after your facade fades... i hurt...immensely...immeasurably. i'm miserable. &nd i hope nobody joins me here, in my misery, except for him. the only company i wish is his. i wish he could immerse himself in my misery, so he could know what he puts me through. i wish he knew and understood what i go through...i wish he knew the tears i've cried, that i cry now at this moment, holding back sobs that will so willingly take over my being if only i'd let them, but i refuse because my hurt has so much of me already that i'm fighting it with all i can. i don't wanna turn into a bitter cold-hearted unforgiving bitch to get through this. because if i do i'll leave him and i'll never love like this again unless somebody can coax the love out of me because once it's been shut off, i would love for it to stay that way because i can't take this no more. i don't think i could deal with this again. or maybe i'll find someone who'll treat me shitloads better, but i doubt that i'll love him as much as i love Him... i don't want the thought of his face to encourage tears to race down my face as it does now...i don't want this. i don't want to wonder when the next time he'll contact me is and i don't want to worry that he won't contact me ever again and i don't want to think that the only reason that he's contacting me is because he needs something of me. i don't wanna do this. i wanna prove them wrong. but how can i when we always end up here, or, rather how can i when i always end up here in a worthless heap of fucked up emotions that i can't quite escape. i can't pull me together & i don't wanna call nobody else. i don't wanna burden...or moreso i don't wanna hear them say that he doesn't deserve me...that i don't deserve this. because i know...i don't wanna be told what i know... sleep calls. it beckons. it wills me to close my redrimmed eyes, but my mind won't let me. afraid of the torture my subconscious will provide this time... so tell me...what hurts more - thinking you should hate him or knowing you don't? 9.O3.1O I walk into you And wish I could Take a snapshot of your scent: A combination of all things you. A combination of things I've fallen in love with. A combination of things I'd miss If you were to leave me... Just a picture of your smell To trigger all kinds of memories That simple photographs would never be able to rekindle Never be able to bring back Nor preserve. Not in the way capturing your scent would. If only I could do such a thing I'd cherish it Revel in it Like I do the memory of it Which brings to mind the way the light hits your eyes perfectly And I get so caught up that everything that you say Just fades... Into the background. Your eyes, and the way your face lights up when you smile. The sound you make when I place my mouth somewhere just right. And how you cajole and plead with me not to go, knowing that I have to. If only I could take a camera To your scent... 3.O3.1O - isn't this scene so familiar? that familiar tickle in the back of your nose letting you know that tears are in your immediate future unless you do something: wiggle it look up blink blink blink inwardly deny the wave of pain on the horizon like: "I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry" sigh... now here comes the real test: look at him in his face directly in his eyes making sure yours don't waver because he knows you oh, so, well, too well and, to him, you're so readable too readable with your heart so evident on your sleeve do not look down smile and say, "nothing's wrong, i'm okay, i'm good." and pray pray he doesn't force it because you know for a fact that you have no desire to talk about it but of course he will and he does press poke prod ply anything to pry it out of you and now here's that familiar ache in your throat pushing closer to the precipice his gaze piercing you penetrating your layers as you attempt to preserve the power your walls provide but, the pressure is way too high your plight becomes prevalent and the pain in your throat becomes plainly indicative of the perpetual prick in your heart that he never really realizes until it's a tad bit too late until your feeling that familiar feeling again his perception fails him blinding him to the weapon in his possession he doesn't understand that he holds a knife within his mouth and with every truth he speaks he thrusts it deeper and with every slip of the tongue he unknowingly makes it worse and from his words, you interpret "i love you, but, you're second best. i'll never leave you, but, you're holding me back" and now, you feel like a replacement an alternative bringing back the familiar speculation that you can so easily be left. you're so insecure and here comes the familiar unsteadiness in your hands because he is forcing the matter and you know he won't let up won't let it drop he knows something isn't right the familiar prick in the corner of your eyes is next isn't this scene all too familiar? uncomfortable in your vulnerability as the tears strip you bare right before his eyes but not completely because the problem refuses to pass your lips as your discomfort and distress whisper ever so gently down your face their feather soft touch stroking your features tenderly caressing your smooth cheeks the familiar tickle as they run across the bridge of your nose finally reaching your chin and they drip, drip the dams break words shatter the silence clattering to the floor nonsensically illogically so caught up in your desolation the ability to organize your thoughts into sensible phrases evades you until you take a deep breath and recover from your graceless, blathering confession explaining your pain as he attempts to placate you and the familiar feeling of the weight pinning you to the ocean floor is released and you float upwards out of depression into his arms into relief... isn't this scene so familiar? |
these are. . . mostly remnants of my heartbreak. . . i yearn for the day that i can browse my blog without the urge to cry. . . . . . "now, keep in mind that i'm an artist & i'm sensitive about my shit." -Erykah Badu back in time. •October 2008 •November 2008 •December 2008 •January 2009 •February 2009 •March 2009 •April 2009 •May 2009 •July 2009 •September 2009 •October 2009 •November 2009 •December 2009 •January 2010 •February 2010 •March 2010 •April 2010 •June 2010 •July 2010 •August 2010 •September 2010 •October 2010 •January 2011 •May 2011 •June 2011 •August 2011 •December 2011 •January 2012 •March 2012 |