&иd ι ѕuяяеиdәЯ...

i surrender
i refuse to keep trying
i've succumbed to my injuries
but i refuse to let the
tears leave
i give up
but i refuse to acknowledge defeat.
so tired of being used
and thinking that maybe
this will be something new
even though i know in the back of my mind
that it's the exact same as last time...
and the time before that...

i've exhausted my attempts at these things
that i have no other words for...

i give up...
i'm tired of feeling like this
and i'm tired of missing someone
i KNOW i'll never have

tired of things that'll never happen

so i'll try to stop trying

and i'll try not to care...

and i surrender...


i look at him
and ask myself
"where did we go so wrong?"

possibly, when i decided that
maybe, just maybe
he was different
or when
i thought that i could change you
something i can NEVER do...

maybe even when i thought
you wanted me for more than
just one thing...

but who knows?
and i'll NEVER find out
cuz we don't speak
we avoid
we ignore
we refuse to acknowledge one another
and i refuse to continue this CYCLE....
so we may NEVER speak again...

it's a new year
i'll forget about you
and what i thought
you might've been...

i know you'll NEVER measure
up to my dreams...