23.12.O8 i've sat and thought and contemplated and waited all to no avail. my time has been wasted once again on worthless but i have no regrets cuz it felt good and i actually thought it could be more hmph...what was i thinking? and i can sit here and laugh now cuz i kno he is nothing at all to me now... and i realize that he doesn't mean a thing to me anymore... ![]() =D iF oNLY yOu knEW...12.12.O8 "i must have rehearsed my lines a thousand times until i had them memorized..." and i'm anticipating the time that i will see you again so i can tell you what's on my mind on my heart what i FEEL... "but when i get up the nerve to tell you the words they never seem to COME OUT RIGHT" and i'm wonderin how this will turn out because i'm pretty sure that what i want isnt what he wants and this is slowly driving me crazy as i sit and think and contemplate my next move... and i create my scenario in my mind and i KNOW it will never turn out like that too bad my mind doesnt completely control my life... "but you don't even suspect could probably care less about the changes i've been going through..." and they're numerous too many to name the denial the confusion the embarrasement the indecisiveness and then...i see him and everything seems so right and then so wrong... in the space of a split second... and i just surrender and flow through it... and live with all of these emotions afterwards... "and if only you knew..." ![]() &иd маүвә ѕне jusт waитѕ а *[ҒAIЯҮ TALӘ]* see... i used to be engaged to the pain now i'm married to the hurt time didn't heal me and i wish for a life that's easy and i sit here and үәаяи for those stories Mommy would read me as i drift off to sleep to dяеам of hoNey bEE$ and рεяғεст ℓоνε ѕтояιеѕ that will BUЯY me further in my [NAIVETY] and i'd let those little legends from childhood dӘСІӘVӘ me a little bit more as i try to ιgηοπε my Яεαℓιτү and норе for someone to сомε ѕαυε мε... and i wish once more to be a little girl that just wants a *[ҒAIЯҮ TALӘ]*... ![]() |
these are. . . mostly remnants of my heartbreak. . . i yearn for the day that i can browse my blog without the urge to cry. . . . . . "now, keep in mind that i'm an artist & i'm sensitive about my shit." -Erykah Badu back in time. •October 2008 •November 2008 •December 2008 •January 2009 •February 2009 •March 2009 •April 2009 •May 2009 •July 2009 •September 2009 •October 2009 •November 2009 •December 2009 •January 2010 •February 2010 •March 2010 •April 2010 •June 2010 •July 2010 •August 2010 •September 2010 •October 2010 •January 2011 •May 2011 •June 2011 •August 2011 •December 2011 •January 2012 •March 2012 |