24.11.O8 time should have healed me... it should have steeled me against the statements he whispers in my ear... things that should easily be interpreted as nothings but i refuse to believe it's nothing against mine own will... it lives on my mind crazing me making me blind... and it seems to me that time has failed me for the first time... ![]() ri$e abOve the pettine$$ Just because your "man" wants me Doesn't make me a ho, boo And understand that Words said in jealousy Are words not worth Listening to at all… And those who believe These words spoken in hatred Are just as naïve and immature As the one who made the statement So rise above the pettinessAnd do youStop watchin me… And if your 'man' Wanted you He wouldn't be all in my $#!T Understand that, homey I'm speakin NOTHING but tha truth So believe What you wanna believe I really can't care I learned to stop caring a long time ago And, yes, this does affect me But it DOESN'T define me But this DOES indeed Define you As somebody who has NO LIFE And has to make up false existences For other people And as you fabricate my life You're probably dictating yours So honey, Rise above the pettiness And realize that the guy You're chasing after Is really a waste of your time Because he doesn't have the respect Nor the dignity To mention you And on a real, boo, I wouldn't be fucKin' with him If I knew he had a girl… be$t bel!eve th@t...(as stated by vinny) Now watch the petty people Take "fuckin' with him" the wrong way No, sweetie, I'm not screwing him Nor have I had sex with anybody During this lifetime, As of yet… And I don't plan to anytime soon I don't need anymore drama in my life Than I already have... Cuz, see… Um got girls STALKIN me and shit Know my name What school I go What I look like… The people I hang around All because of some stupid boy That has commitment issues So stop watchin me… And handle your 'boyfriend' K? Thanxx!! Preciate it hun!! oN tiMe &nd liFe... there is so much that time can do it can take away from you change you make you {remember} make you {forget} make you {realize} that .life. is there for the living and living has so many things in it for you... time brings happiness and sadness joy and grief love and hate emotions that leave you gasping and worn but they let you know, more than any breath taken, that you're alive and indeed living life and time allows this be it a flurry of feeling that lasts a [second] or an overwhelming sense of sentiment that lasts for [years]. but unfortunately there is a time limit for living so take advantage of it and live... yOU can'T bLamE heR foR ru$hinG** i wrote this a little while back...but i really like it! Kiandra Kesi Sabree She hates being rushed But always seems to be in a rush Maybe it's because Time gets away too quickly 6 months have passed in a heartbeat That's 152 days Of her life gone Can't be replaced Nor recovered Can only be remembered That's 3,648 hours Too many of them spent feeling Angry Mad Upset Incomplete Confused and Crying Not enough of them spent Smiling Happy Content Laughing Maybe she rushes Because time stands still For no Man Woman Child Being And here comes the rush Graduation Colleges Another Graduation and then... LIFE... Alone... Providing for herself Leaving her home... Maybe she rushes Because she's afraid That if she stands still for too long She'll fall apart Not physically But Mentally Emotionally Keeping still allows her too much time to Think Analyze Overanalyze Free time allows her to create Concepts And it permits her To misconceive situations That were perfectly clear to her before... She's so naive But yet so skeptical simultaneously That the free time May make her outrageously paranoid Drive her crazy Make her mad So... You can't blame her for rushing... 9.11.O8 i actually giggled in his embrace... and the realization of my naivety strikes me... as i s.t.o.p. and think of how he got ahold of me so damn easily... ...аLoиє these tears don't come at night under the shroud of darkness during the unrelenting cold no, not at night, they come during the day when i feel alone surrounded by people these faces i don't know even more desolate then when i'm home here, i weep as i'm met with cold gazes of blatant disregard evidence of the ever present lack of humanity no compassion lives within their hearts few meet my eyes as i search for a kindred soul in this destitute world inverted tears rip at the walls of my psyche but the fortress built around my heart remains strong and i move on through this world solitude as my only friend alone... ![]() |
these are. . . mostly remnants of my heartbreak. . . i yearn for the day that i can browse my blog without the urge to cry. . . . . . "now, keep in mind that i'm an artist & i'm sensitive about my shit." -Erykah Badu back in time. •October 2008 •November 2008 •December 2008 •January 2009 •February 2009 •March 2009 •April 2009 •May 2009 •July 2009 •September 2009 •October 2009 •November 2009 •December 2009 •January 2010 •February 2010 •March 2010 •April 2010 •June 2010 •July 2010 •August 2010 •September 2010 •October 2010 •January 2011 •May 2011 •June 2011 •August 2011 •December 2011 •January 2012 •March 2012 |