
"I should be over you,
Should know better
But it's ju$t not the case..." ♫ (siX, eighT, twElve...bRian mcKnight...)

Trying my hardest to let go
Denial has become my companion
As I try to get past these
Thoughts of you

"It ain't supposed to be this way..." ♫ (iT ain'T supposEd tO bE thiS waY...chaNte mooRe)

It shouldn't be this hard
You shouldn't affect me so easily
Because you mean nothing,
Absolutely nothing to me...
Well, you didn't...

"Questions cloud my head with why?" ♫ [aLoNe...maRque$ houstoN]

As I try to explain to myself
How he repulses me and intrigues me
How i dread the next time I'll see him
But anticipate it
As well...

"Cupid doesn't lie" ♫ {cuPid...112}

Therefore my denial of this
Will mean
Absolutely nothing
And as much as I say, "Eff, I hate him,"
I'm only lying to myself...

Then I think that
"I should be your girl" ♫ [youR girL...maRiaH caRey]
And then I realize how stupid
That would be
There is no way in hell
That that relationship would work...

"Baby I'm worth it,
I won't hurt it" ♫ [loVe in tHis cLub reMix...aVerY sTorm]

That's what you say...
But are you, really?
I doubt it...

l.o.v.e. loNg lo$t...

just a little bit longer...
he'll be back
he won't leave me alone
words that comfort
lies only you believe

why do you cling
to love long lost?

memories of happiness
create your cocoon
as you shield
those who wish to help

why do you cling
to love long lost?

content to lie in his arms
you dream of many years to come
no thought in your mind
of if he were to leave you...

why do you cling
to love long lost?

disbelief cradles you
gently, decievingly in its arms
keeping despair and depression
at bay

why do you cling
to love long lost?

reality creeps in
there is rememberance
of bruises & pain
lies & deciet

why do you cling
to love long lost?


"Should be over you, should know better, but that's just not the case," but babe, "It ain't supposed to be this way," "I should be your girl," but instead, "Questions cloud my head with why." And even though I'm hurting there are no, "Tears on my pillow as I cry," cuz hun, "I'm too fly to be depressed." Even though i shed no tears over you, "We can't be friends, cuz I'm still in love with you..."


my handle on life has bRokeN.
my world has begun to spin
ouT of contRoL...
dizzyingly gaining speed.
expectations [bind] me
and my fears of inadequacy hinder my [эѕсарє]

hidden behind these [expectations]
i masquerade
as something i am not
i move through every day
no variation
what a monotonous life...


Doubt infiltrates the heart

Breaking down walls of trust

Disbelief lives in her eyes

Skepticism resonates in every word.

Lack of trust

Causes their bond to weaken

Love that has been professed

Dwindles distinctly.

Miniscule grains of almost nothing

Has caused this union

To collapse

This love wasn't as tight knit as we'd once thought.

They yield to speculation

Letting gossip and over analysis

Crumble the last bit of mortar

That holds them together.

Another love lost

They've given up on one another

Their beautiful fortress

Has failed to be built.



sO tiRed
sO weaK
sO emoTioNallY draiNed

tiRed oF conFrontaTioN
tiRed oF feNding off stuPiditY
tiRed oF deCipheRinG emptY promisEs...

plea$e teLL me:
wheRe is hoPe?
iT has deseRteD me...
aT least i stiLL haVe mY dReaMs...
aT least i stiLL havE mE...


i shouldn't harbor

this animosity

but it annoys me

how easily the bullshit

falls from his lips.

and i know i shouldn't

harbor animosity

but i'm human

and am allowed to have feelings



i wouldn't give a fuck

if he caught a fatal disease

and [croaked]

or if he got into another accident.

fuck him and his bullshit

i'mma let others deal with that

cuz i can't anymore.

fuck him.

i know i shouldn't

harbor animosity

but fuck it



it takEs ju$t a biT of matuRitY...

i'm guessing $тuPιdιту

took hold of me

when i decided

that [maybe] he's different

well, i couldn't have been more wrong

i've done this too many times

fallen prey too too too often

where does this leave me?

more bitchy

less trusting

more bitter

and a stupid ass nigga who has continued the defamation of my character.

i'm so тιяӘd of stupid shit

i'm so тιяӘd of putting myself on the line

tired of >>[hoping]<<

you see,

i took him at face value

looked past his physical

and his personality seemed beautiful

but this was when we first met.

and now, he seems to be

the most **hideous** person in the world to me...

and not just by what he's done to me

but how he's wronged others,

but i can't care anymore

and hopefully he'll see his way out of my life

keep my name out of his mouth...

so, if i seem:






place some of the blame on him

because he has contributed,

but, i won't hold it against him

as long as he leaves me the hell alone

and i wish him the greatest of all things in life.


encased by an [unwalled] PЯ!S0N
chained by [expectation]
a [bondage] that is HAЯD to break
without the +*ƏNCuMBeЯMeNT*+
of [disappointment]
that wiLL be [heaped] upon my SHouLDeЯs…

[unchain] me
make me [free]
**pLeasE grant me my [liberty]
from the [burdens] of your bƏliƏfs
and what you [think] i shOULd be...


peace cries out to me
as hearts {bleed}

where do we go from here?
our world's falling into disrepair.
living life seems to be the hardest thing to do
when people are constantly trying to take from you
[refusing] to love you
live for you
be for you
give to you

times grow more difficult
as deception and commoness
poison minds
everyone's living life for a dime

we are getting sucked into that 'fast' life
the so called 'easy' life
when in all reality life becomes
the 'easy' path is stricken
with trials greater than before

selfishness, greed
and pride
outweigh and drown out
the cry for [compassion]

failing to acknowledge calls for help
too tied up in
living for self and no one else
ignorance has become our comfort
and we've allowed ourselves to fall into a trap of carbon copies
living amongst carbon copies
hugging the block
with a blunt and a bottle in hand
common statistics
this is what we've become

when will this mold be broken?
who will stop this hurt?
who will answer our collective cry?
when will we be heard?


[confusion] clouds my vision

as these [thoughts] plague me

[musings] of

touching him

feeling him

kissing him

once again...

he's bad for me

i know

they've told me

countless times before

they've likened me to a drug that he needs

but why can't they see

that he's the same to me?

reconciliation nags me

but [pride] won't allow me

as my perception and intuition

insists that they are [correct]

in the fact

that he is, indeed, ignoring me

i wonder if he yearns for me, as well,

behind closed doors

i doubt it though.

would he care if i [apologized]

and [justified]?